
Bird survey (breeding birds, over-wintering surveys, bird box inspections, vantage point surveys).
Bat survey (initial inspection, emergence/re-entry surveys, bat activity surveys, bat hibernation surveys, bat mitigation, bat box inspections, bat licence applications).
Ecological baseline reports.
Ecological BREEAM reports.
Badger survey and mitigation (including licence applications.)
Ecological Impact Assessments (EcIA).
Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey.
Invertebrates (aquatic and terrestrial).
National Vegetation Classification (NVC) of grassland, woodland and wetland habitats.
Great crested newt surveys and mitigation (including licence applications).
Otter (survey).
Water vole (survey and mitigation).
Reptile (survey and mitigation).
White-clawed crayfish (survey and mitigation).
Invasive species (survey and control recommendations).
Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW).